• How do I get a house?

    If you are over the age of 16, you have the right to apply for social housing in Scotland.

  • Directory of mental health services and resources

    A new directory dedicated to mental health services and resources developed specially for and with children and young people across Lanarkshire is now live. The directory can be viewed at: Services and Resources Directory | NHS Lanarkshire (scot.nhs.uk) Services are usually for anyone under 18. People may be able to use…

  • Support for alcohol and drug use

    If you are looking for help and support around alcohol or substance use, there is information in this area of the site that might be right for you. Barnardo’s Axis Lanarkshire The service supports young people age S1 -21 years (26 if care experienced ) living in the North Lanarkshire…

  • Mental wellbeing counselling resources and how to access them

    The Exchange is a service that supports care experienced young people and adults to promote better well-being. The exchange can provide confidential support from trained counsellors on a face to face basis or through a live chat facility. Click the poster to open the website. Kooth provides a free, safe…

  • Sexual Health

    Keeping your body and mind healthy includes making sure you get the right information and support about your sexual health. It is important that you know and feel confident about your body and your sexuality to take care of yourself. This can also support you to have healthy relationships. Not…

  • Registering with a GP

    Everyone should be registered with a GP practice. If you are new to an area or are not already registered, you should register with a local GP as soon as possible. If you are not registered with a GP and would like to get registered you can click on the…

  • Applying for college or university

    There are many part time and full time courses at colleges or universities in or near North Lanarkshire. If you are interested in going to college, you might want to look at the New College Lanarkshire website to see what courses they offer. The following link will take you to…