  • Sum It Up

    Sum It Up is a programme of free maths courses for adults over 19 who live, learn, work or volunteer in North Lanarkshire. Continue Reading Sum It Up

  • Paying for housing

    Paying your rent on time is important. You will be given information on how to pay your rent and when it is due to be paid.  We are here to help you. We understand things happen that can cause you to fall behind with your rent. If this happens, it… Continue Reading Paying for housing

  • Housing Support

    Youth Housing Champions are based within each local housing office. They provide a key point of contact so you can access the right support and information for your needs. Details of how to contact your Housing Champion are noted in the key contacts in housing section. We will work with you… Continue Reading Housing Support

  • Getting a Housing Offer

    When you are matched to a suitable property, your Housing Advisor will contact you and make you an offer. If you refuse two reasonable offers of housing, your application could be suspended for three months. You will be offered a further Housing Options Interview to ensure your preferences are updated… Continue Reading Getting a Housing Offer

  • Protocol Points

    North Lanarkshire Council want to make sure that you do not become homeless and will award ‘priority points’ to your housing application to reflect your urgent need for rehousing.   If you are not ready to move into your own tenancy but need temporary accommodation, a homeless application will be… Continue Reading Protocol Points

  • Discussing your Housing Options

    You will be invited to attend a housing options interview to fully discuss your application with a Housing Advisor. You can bring someone with you for support during your interview. If you are a disabled or if you have any other accessibility requirements, please let your Housing Advisor know. Your Housing Advisor will… Continue Reading Discussing your Housing Options

  • Making a Housing Application

    You will need to complete a Housing Application form. This can be downloaded using the link provided, picked up from a local housing office , or you can ask for this to be sent to you.   The application form will ask questions to help build a picture of your circumstances such as: If you… Continue Reading Making a Housing Application

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