• Skills Development Scotland (SDS)

    No matter what stage you’re at in your career, support is available from our network of career centres. The following link will take you to the Skills Development Scotland website with the contact details of your local office and other helpful information: North Lanarkshire – Skills Development Scotland

  • Supported Employment Roots Programme

    The Roots programme is a placement and learning programme for young people who are experiencing care and care experienced young people.  Our Vision is to work alongside our young people in North Lanarkshire to help them make informed and positive choices. We strive to support young people to significantly improve…

  • North Lanarkshire Working

    If you are thinking about getting into work, North Lanarkshire Working can help you. Working closely with our partners at Routes to Work and Supported Employment Roots Programme we offer a wide range of support, training and advice including; in-work support, training and confidence building, and other council services such…

  • Housing expenditure to maintain my home

    To maintain your home there will be certain items you will need to budget for and set up payment. Paying your rent Paying your rent on time is important. You will be given information on how to pay your rent and when it is due to be paid. If you are…

  • Bank Account

    Most banks and building societies offer basic accounts for young people with a range of banking services including online banking.  A new bank account can be applied for online and the young person can then attend the bank with their identity documents to have the account opened.

  • Debt advice

    Are you worried about debt or experiencing financial difficulties? It is essential that you speak to someone about any debts as soon as possible and get support to help deal with this. If you have workers supporting you, speak to them about any debts. If you don’t have any support…

  • Income sources when in education

    Care experienced bursaries are available to young people and adults with care experience entering further or higher education, including those who are 16 years and are studying for Nat 4 or 5 or introductory courses at college. The link below takes you to the Hub for Success website that provides…

  • Junior Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

    Every child and young person in the United Kingdom who has been care experienced (including at home) continuously for at least one year has a Junior ISA account opened for them through the Share Foundation with an initial payment of £200 being paid in to the account. In addition, a…

  • Financial Support available for care leavers through Social Work

    The local authority have a duty to provide aftercare support to eligible care leavers and this can include financial support. Financial support is provided through social work services based on individual circumstances and assessed need. This can be a one of payment or ongoing support over a period of time….