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Barnardo’s Youth Housing Support Service

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North Lanarkshire Youth Housing Support provides intensive housing support to young people aged 16-26 years 7 days per week.

We offer independent and sustainment skills to live in your own home.

  • Moving in tasks
  • Budgeting
  • Shopping/Cooking
  • Domestic Routine
  • Letter Understanding
  • Form Filling
  • Referrals to other services
  • Help managing crisis/emergencies
  • Advocacy

Positive Destinations

Barnardo’s Positive Destinations provides support to Care Experienced Young People aged 15-26 years.

Training Flat

  • Offering preparation to leave care through tailored programmes to give the opportunity to make an informed decision if ready to leave care.
  • Independent programs on what skills needed to run your own home.
  • Opportunity to stay overnights.

Reception Flat

  • Offering safe accommodation to care experienced young people who are threatened with homelessness or require respite.
  • Comprehensive assessment complete to plan out of crisis situation, return to care placement or alternative accommodation.

You can see more about the supports and services that Barnardo’s offer by clicking the link to our website: North Lanarkshire Youth Housing Support Service | Barnardo’s (barnardos.org.uk)

Or contact us by phone: 01698 262443 (Extension 3)

or by email: linda.mccann@barnardos.org.uk

Updated on February 13, 2024
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