Welcome to aftercare northlan


This website holds information, guides, and the contact details for the supports and services in North Lanarkshire that are there to help young people to prepare for leaving care and to support them in adulthood as care leavers.

You can browse the different themes or search by typing key words or phrases in the search bar at the top of the page.

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Latest News

TNT Newsletter Oct-Dec 2024

We are a group of Care Experienced people who live in North Lanarkshire. We meet fortnightly to change the Care System within North Lanarkshire. We remind Corporate Parents of their roles and responsibilities and therefore hold them to account to improve the Care...

Young Women’s Movement

ProjectChange is collaborating with the Young Women’s Movement to host an art event in Edinburgh at Grassmarket Community Hub on February 15th 2025, from 11am to 3pm. It’s all about bringing people together to explore how care experience and gender intersect. Through...

We are proud to support care experience week.

Our vision is to support all young people and children to achieve their full potential.

The Promise

Scotland’s promise to care experienced children and young people is that they will grow up loved, safe, and respected.

Find out more at thepromise.scot

The Promise Scotland logo

If you are looking for support

Email by clicking on the email address: IntensiveServicesGeneralAdmin@northlan.gov.uk