If you have a Housing related problem, you can contact us for help and support. Your first point of contact will be your local housing office where you should speak to a housing advisor. The phone number and email address for local Housing Offices are provided below.
If you are working with social work, you can ask your worker to put you in contact with your Locality Housing Champion.
Four Locality based Housing Champions have been appointed in each of our local teams. These workers have the experience and responsibility for promoting the needs of local care leavers across the service. Their role is to act as a link across all housing services such as allocations, homelessness, housing support and estate management to ensure care leavers receive appropriate services and are supported to obtain and sustain any accommodation they take up .
The Locality Champions are the first point of contact for My Future Planning coordinator and Social Workers to discuss any issues that arise in respect of young people preparing to leave care of aftercare.
Local Housing Offices:
Airdrie Housing Office
Tel: 01236 758035
Email: airdrie-cumbernauldhousing@northlan.gov.uk
Bellshill Housing Office
Tel: 01698 332340
Email: MotherwellandBellshillHousing@northlan.gov.uk
Coatbridge Housing Office
Tel: 01236 812530
Email: CKHousing@northlan.gov.uk
Cumbernauld Housing Office
Tel: 01236 632726
Email: airdrie-cumbernauldhousing@northlan.gov.uk
Kilsyth Housing Office
Tel: 01236 828120
Email: CKhousing@northlan.gov.uk
Moodiesburn Housing Office
Tel: 01236 812530 / 01236 828120
Email: CKHousing@northlan.gov.uk
Motherwell Housing Office
Tel: 01698 274135
Shotts Housing Office
Tel: 01501 824747
Email: Shottshousing@northlan.gov.uk
Viewpark Housing Office
Tel: 01698 403700
Email: MotherwellandBellshillHousing@northlan.gov.uk
Wishaw Housing Office
Tel: 01698 302920
Email: Wishawhousing@northlan.gov.uk