
Supported Employment Roots Programme

The Roots programme is a placement and learning programme for young people who are experiencing care and care experienced young people.  Our Vision is to work alongside our young people in North Lanarkshire to help them make informed and positive choices. We strive to support young people to significantly improve their chances of gaining and sustaining employment leading to improved outcomes for their health and wellbeing.  Provision of placements within council services or arm’s length and external organisations that can last up to 12 months.  Our bespoke learning and development package enables young people to gain the knowledge and skills to be ready for employment whilst ensuring the young person is supported before, during, and after they enter the programme. You can contact the project co-ordinator for more information or view the Programme’s Facebook page on the links below:

Fiona Brown brownf@northlan.gov.uk 

Facebook: facebook.com/nlcsupportedemployment/

The video below explains more about Roots.

Supported Employment - Roots leaflet

Updated on April 15, 2024
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