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  4. Support for alcohol and drug use

Support for alcohol and drug use

If you are looking for help and support around alcohol or substance use, there is information in this area of the site that might be right for you.

Barnardo’s Axis Lanarkshire

The service supports young people age S1 -21 years (26 if care experienced ) living in the North Lanarkshire area, who are affected by their own or someone else’s substance misuse and other related complex issues. The service will provide co-ordination, advocacy and support for young people to address a range of health and lifestyle issues and ultimately try and link them back into the most appropriate services for their needs.

You can find out more about the support available through Barnardo’s Axis Lanarkshire on the web site: Barnardo’s Axis Lanarkshire Core | Barnardo’s (barnardos.org.uk)

or you can contact the service directly by phone or email:

Phone: 01698 262443 Ext 2

Email: axislanarkshire@barnardos.org.uk

Turning Point – North Lanarkshire

Turning Point North Lanarkshire Alcohol and Other Drugs Crisis Outreach provides a rapid response to near-fatal overdose, which provides a short, focused period of support for individuals to reduce drug related harm and death.

More information can be found by access the website: Turning Point – North Lanarkshire

Or you can contact Turning Point North Lanarkshire by phone or email:

Phone: 08081 714 040
Email: NorthLanarkshireCrisisOutreach@turningpointscotland.com

Updated on March 6, 2024
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