
How do I get a house?

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Who can apply for a house?

If you are over the age of 16, you have the right to apply for social housing in Scotland (through the local authority or housing associations). Your application will be assessed on an individual basis given your personal circumstances. Your housing advisor can provide you with housing options according to your needs.

The circumstances they will consider are things like your current housing situation, whether you have any dependent children, or any accessibility requirements due to disability. You will also be asked to select the areas you would like to live in and what type of property you would prefer.

Applications for social housing are prioritised based on your level of need for a home as well as the number of points you have been allocated. Once your housing advisor has gathered this information you will be placed on the waiting list for housing.

North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) has an Allocation Policy that gives information on how we make decisions on matching a home to people on our waiting lists. 

You only need to complete one Housing Application to be placed on the waiting list (known as the Common Housing Register). It can be difficult when waiting for housing, but your advisor will be working behind the scenes to find you accommodation as quickly as possible.

If you would like to contact housing about getting a house, click here – Key Contacts in Housing to get the contact details of your local office.

Updated on March 13, 2024
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